Buy quality Italian glass in any colour or style right here at Wilbur’s art glass shop
Italians have been making quality glass items on the island of Murano for generations. There are fine examples in museums around the world, with each generation of glass master still creating new styles and designs.
Large vintage murano pink purple sommerso art glass duck by v. nason label & signed£162.99 Rare cone shape faceted art glass bowl 1960s italian murano sommerso green amber£426.99 Vintage murano poli seguso era sommerso bud vase in apple green and cherry red£123.99 Murano rare zanfirico latticino pastel rainbow ribbon ruffled square bowl£57.99 Xxl triangle shape faceted green mcm art glass geode bowl murano poli seguso era£66.99 Murano gold & amber sommerso diamond faceted art glass vase£144.99 Murano sommerso art glass bowl blue blue glowing green geometric facet prism cut£131.99 Murano seguso polveri italian 24k gold art glass shell bowl vintage handcrafted£139.99 Murano seguso poli sommerso pink & golden amber pear shaped glass geode bowl£102.99
Wilbur’s art glass shop have a selection of quality Italian glass. Vase’s, bowls, sculptures and an animal or two. We sell hand made glass in many colours shapes and designs.
We have colourful sommerso glass. Glass with bubbles, faceted glass, block cut even glass with gold inclusions. just some of the many techniques the Italian glass masters used to create such beautiful quality Murano glass.
Glass from Murano is admired around the world. It’s quality, incredible colour schemes and Italian design keeps it desirable and collectable.
Are you looking for quality Murano glass for a gift? scroll on…….