Do you have an old glass collection gathering dust? We pay top prices for mid century art glass collections.
Here at Wilbur’s art glass shop we are always looking for art glass to add to our collection. Anything colourful, big, bold, 50s, 60s, 70s and all styles of mid century modern art glass.
Wilbur our chief buyer will even look at broken pieces if they are old. If you have a collection you want to sell, we buy many interesting treasures (not just glass!) and are always looking for quality antiques, vintage, retro and collectable items to buy.

We buy Antique, vintage, mid century, retro. Old, interesting even broken!
We will consider collections of almost anything interesting or unusual in the first instance contact Wilbur the Penguin leave your details including you phone number and I will get back to you as soon as possible.